Psychoeducation Resources for
Child Sexual Abuse and Sexual Assault
This is an NCTSN resource that compiles several handouts and fact sheets for caregivers on child sexual abuse as well as acquaintance rape (including resources geared for teens). The included handouts are:
- CSA Fact Sheet: For Parents, Teachers and Other Caregivers
- Q&A about CSA: An interview with Esther Deblinger, PhD
- What to do if your child discloses sexual abuse: Info for parents and caregivers
- Coping with the Shock of Intrafamilial Abuse
- Acquaintance Rape: Information for Parents
- Preventing Acquaintance Rape: A Safety Guide For Teens
- What Do I Do Now? A Survival Guide for Victims of Acquaintance Rape
- Sexual Development and Behavior in Children: Information for Parents and Caregivers
- Understanding and Coping with Sexual Behavior Problems in Children: Information for Parents and Caregivers
- Child Sexual Abuse: Coping with the Emotional Stress of the Legal System
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.